Alternative to dropbox crossword
Alternative to dropbox crossword

alternative to dropbox crossword

Who wouldn't possibly realize that Antarctica is on the South Pole, not the North? Later, Jim Horne mentioned that he loved this one because he thought all the clues reversed meaning somehow. was my favorite, as I had a vague sense that NORTH POLE wasn't quite right, yet I shrugged and moved on. Fun to finally figure out that it meant, or MOTHER. For instance, you'd never see a clue like in a regular crossword. The italicized clues read so strangely that I knew something weird was happening. I appreciated that the editing team was willing to share with me their thoughts on the changes, which I trust are for the better! The original title was Beta Version, and the clues with bugs were not italicized. I still kinda like my weird clue about Taylor Swift's hit song "Wildebeest Dreams," though.

alternative to dropbox crossword

My clues like, "Man tissues" hiding "mantis" and "Crick ethics" hiding "cricket" were nonsensical and confusing.

alternative to dropbox crossword

Some of my clues that I had initially proposed were very contrived, and it took a while to get it in my head that the clues should read very naturally. So, it took a long time to work the bugs out of this puzzle! then multiple proposed theme sets before I got a green light to make this grid. After having the idea to put the bugs in the clues, I had two more rejected puzzles before the team agreed to workshop with me on the concept. I initially submitted a totally different interpretation on the phrase in the summer of 2020, where bugs were "worked out" of long phrases in the grid, leaving a garbled string of letters. I thought it would be fun to put bugs in a puzzle, and "working out the bugs" seemed like a crossword-friendly phrase. Like many of my puzzles, this was inspired by my son's interests.

Alternative to dropbox crossword